Thursday, January 09, 2014

Looking back - Glancing forward

So this is the post I've been meaning to write for the last few weeks.

Part reflection on the year passed and part optimistic forward glance.

Today we are 9 days out from our second Charity Hack event. We have selected 5 amazing charities and almost 30 volunteer hackers are donating their time and talents in order to create new fundraising campaigns over the course of 12 hours next Saturday.

I'm feeling

Proud - that we've gotten to our second hack and that people are so willing to get involved

Excited - that we've only got 9 days left and about the amazing teams of hackers we've been able to put together for this hack, these charities are lucky

Scared - well because we're 9 days out, we've got lots to do, these charities deserve great help and we have to deliver and because we still need to get lunch, dinner and a few other items sponsored/donated

Proud, excited and scared


very happy

2013 despite some people's Triskaidekaphobia 2013 was, for me at least, awesome.

If you know me you'll know why but in case you don't here's a list of highlights (in no particular order):

  • Charity Hack was founded -
  • I was a guest speaker at the Norwegian National Conference Fundraising in September
  • I was at the Ireland v New Zealand rugby test - heartbreak
  • Saw an incredible Roy Liechtenstein exhibition in the Pompidou Centre
  • I got to see a Nobel Peace Prize exhibition featuring my personal hero
  • Two of my closest friends got engaged
  • I was elected to the board of Fundraising Ireland
  • and this little guy arrived 

So in short 2013 rocked for me and I'm extremely grateful

but that's all in the past now (except the little fella - he's still around)

What about the future?

Well I'm absolutely never, ever going to talk about New Year, Moving Forward, Resolutions and all that rubbish.

Regardless of the date on the calendar we live our lives day by day, make thousands of individual decisions and hope that they all work out. Obviously some of these decisions are wrong but we suck them up and move on.

So what's for 2014?

Well I'm only going to talk about Charity Hack for now to hoping:

  • This year will see 5 Hacks with at least one or two of those outside Ireland. (If you're interested in helping us Hack anywhere in the world send me an email
  • To develop CH so we can continually expand and improve the experience for hackers and hackees.
  • To introduce our newly created CH Leadership group - expect to hear a lot more about them.
  • To build partnerships with other people who are trying to do their best to help increase capacity in the charity sectors.
  • To host more CH workshops and lectures - the video of the pre Christmas one will be up soon
  • To create a CH internship programme
and who knows what else

Will we achieve all these? 


Maybe not

But being over ambitious can't hurt can't it?

Shoot for the stars and you might just catch a rainbow.

So we're 9 days out from CH2. 

There are excited charities lined up to meet excited hackers

At worst we're putting together groups of great people who just want to do good for others.

At best we just might make a difference.

It's going to be a great year :-)

If you know of anybody that would like to help CH2 by sponsoring or donating anything from our wish list 

If you want to be kept up to date with all Charity Hack News subscribe here


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