What is Charity Hack?

Charity Hack is an amazing opportunity for your organization to tap into a huge amount of experience, talent and expertise and leave with a fully fledged fundraising campaign made to suit your organization.

(Short explanation: A Hack is just a fancy name for a marathon or blitz. Basically, it brings together a group of people (hackers) to work for a concentrated period of time, on one specific problem, with the aim of finding a solution by the end of that designated time. Hacks are common in the computer industry with companies like Facebook using them regularly to work on new ideas)

We will take a number of charities who have identified specific challenges, problems or campaigns that they need help with. We will partner them with a team of expert Hackers (fundraisers, marketers, designers, what ever experts we need) and over the 12 hours of the Hack will produce exciting solutions that can be put into action straight away. We will also assign you with a lead Hacker who will follow up with you in the weeks after the Hack.

All our Hackers are donating their time free of charge. All charities are expected to enter the Hack with an open mind and a willingness to implement the solutions that we develop together. We don't want to put all this work into creating a great campaign only to hear that the Board wouldn't approve it afterwards!

Well nobody has asked any questions yet but I'm guessing

When is Charity Hack? Charity Hack will take place on Saturday 10th August in a Dublin location.

Who can apply? Any charity, non profit organisation, sports clubs, schools etc that needs to come up with a fundraising campaign

How many orgs will be Hacked? It depends, 4-5, the scale of the challenges and the type of orgs that apply will dictate. We've never done this before so there are lots if unknowns.

How much does it cost? Nothing. Charity Hack is free to apply for, free to participate in and free to talk about. The only investment you'll need to make is in whatever campaign we create and you get to set the budget before we start.

I'm sure you'll have more questions so stick them in the comment section.

Thanks for reading, now go register at the top of this page.


1 comment:

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