
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What's the Big Idea?

So what's the Big Idea? What's the future of Charity Hack?

Charity Hack is built on a simple foundation.

There a brilliant people with huge hearts working incredibly hard to solve some of the worlds hardest problems.

Many of these have to struggle to keep their organisations open from one day to the next. They don't have the time to research the latest fundraising tools. They don't have the resources to hire in a consultant or a full fundraising team to raise the money they need. 

But their cause is important.

So what if they could get the help they need?
What if we can give them a helping hand, a clearer focus, a fundraising product that they can manage and that will keep the lights on?

and what if it doesn't matter what city that organisation is in?

What if we could bring Charity Hacks to London, to Oslo, to Ottowa, to Wellington?

because there are small organisations fighting against big odds in every country in the world. They're doing their best and could do even better with a helping hand.

Surely Charity Hacks can't appear everywhere can they?

Who knows?

But let's find out.


Register to find out what happens next 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Charity Hack update from Voice

Everybody wants to know what happened to the charities after Charity Hack. How did they feel about the day? Was it worth their taking part?

Here's a blog post from one of the participants. It that was previously published here



“I think I’m a little bit in love with everyone” declared Bernadette from Care after Prison, a charity that offers ex-prisoners a safe environment and support to continue with their goal of leading free lives, during the first (and hopefully annual) Charity Hack.
See the video here.
Charity Hack, the brainchild of Kevin Delaney from the Irish Cancer Society, brought together five charities and around 25 hackers (people with fundraising, communications, charity and other experiences) to develop new campaigns.  Charity Hack 2013 was held last week for 12 hours on a beautiful Saturday, though none of us regretted being inside.  It was an incredible and invigorating experience!
Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment (VOICE) was one of the charities chosen to participate.  I felt honoured to be included with such amazing charities as Rainbows IrelandIrish Deaf KidsCare After Prison and ACT for Meningitis.
The day kicked off at 9:00am with much trepidation and excitement.  Four extremely talented people with fundraising and communications experience were assigned to work with VOICE for the next 12 hours.  I was privileged to team up with Matt Lewis from the Irish Cancer Society, Ed Hurrell from Fundraising Ireland, Christine Brennan from theUniversity of Limerick and Maria Martin from Look Good Feel Better.
My original plan was to create a campaign around reducing plate waste in the food service industry and developing a ‘clean your plate’ initiative.  Through this campaign I had hoped to encourage restaurants to offer ½ portions, substitution options and doggy bags to take uneaten food home.  This plan was thrown out of the water and a new campaign was developed.
After much naval gazing and analysis of what VOICE excelled at and where we needed work, it was determined that we should build on our hugely successful Feeding the 5,000 event that was held last November.  What was our new campaign to be?
We worked on a plan to empower local communities to take action to reduce their food waste and to become more aware of this issue through organising mini-Feeding the 5,000 events throughout the country.  ‘Funky feasts’, ‘the recycled dinner club’ or ‘food rescue’ events (let us know what name you like best or add a new one!) will feature meals prepared with ‘ugly produce’ or food that would have been discarded by supermarkets or farmers.  VOICE will develop an event planning pack for communities and help in the initial organisation.
Local champions will be identified to take on this challenge which will not only bring the community together, but will educate and raise the consciousness on the issue of food waste.  This will be a fun event which will be different for each locality according to the organisers.  There could be cooking demonstrations, kids activities, educational talks, menu sharing and leftover food recipe competitions.  Donations for the meals will be sought to help finance this initiative.
This is just a concept for now, but with some continued help from my team and some hard graft, we should be able to create something special.  Watch this space and let us know what you think.
Would your community be interested in taking part?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

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Monday, August 12, 2013

As the dust settles...

I've had 48 hours or so to think about Charity Hack.

What happened, what it was like, the good, the bad and in the case of some of the pictures of me, the ugly.

and the truth is I'm still not sure what to say.

Let's start with the basics.

By 8:50am on Saturday morning everybody was there.

Bernie from Care after Prison
Conor & Caroline from Irish Deaf Kids
Siobhan & Sandra from ACT for Meningitis
Mindy from Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment
Simon & Ray from  Rainbows Ireland

There were too many Chackers to name but you can find them all on this handy list

and we were also joined by our journalist Laura, photographer Eimear, videographer James and artist David

Energy was high.

Excited, nervous chatter mixed with the clinking of the very sexy Charity Hack mugs as hugs were exchanged between people who had only ever met on Twitter. There was something in the air but none of us were sure what that something was.

But I know now what it was.

It was an army readying itself for battle
a team of underdogs preparing for a big final
a bullied kid who has been pushed just once to often

This group was ready to fight

You see everybody came to Charity Hack as strangers. They'd come across this odd little concept on Twitter or posted on a website. It sounded interesting, maybe fun so why not give it a try.

But even though they were strangers they were united by having something in common

and here Margaret Meade says it best

This group of Charity Hackers believed that you should:

This was a group, whether members of the charity or the legion of chackers, who believe in standing up for the little guy.

And boy do they know how to fight..

From the very start nothing was safe.

No strategy, No long held desire for a specific campaign, No excuses, No board members and No CEOs

Each team tore into their task determined to find the problems at the heart of the organization, to polish the gems, to remove time wasters and find a way to move forward.

Did it hurt? Hell yeah, but this wasn't a malevolent aggression.

This was love.

Love in the truest sense. Like the way two friends can be completely honest with each other because they know they are safe. The way brothers can come to blows before wiping away each others tears.

The morning was brutal,



and exhausting

But just like the blisters caused by digging up a flower bed are worth it when the spring brings new blooms.

The afternoon made the morning worth every bit of pain.

From foundations grew great towers

Chackers and charities united as one.

We've found the problem and we're not giving up until we've solved them.

We began Charity Hack hoping we would create 5 new fundraising campaigns over the course of 12 hours but we got so so so so much more.

We got a 3 year fundraising strategy
We got an organizational re structure
We got a detailed targeted DM plan
We got a schools programme complete with a full database of contacts
We got a volunteer led scalable fundraising programme
We got the promise of a new website
and a few more bits that I know i'm forgetting

But I think that two much bigger things came out of Charity Hack.

For the charities (and this is just my thought) I think they grew in confidence because a group of talented, passionate people looked really hard at their organization, fell in love with their cause and then looked even harder so they could find some solutions to their problems. They realized that people do care about them, do want to help them and that their organization has a bright future.

The Chackers? Well I'd like to think they caught a glimpse of their own untapped potential. Young talented professionals, unleashed from the constraints and admin of their day to day jobs, tore into their tasks, dug deep into themselves to find answers to problems when at the start the problems looked too hard. They realized what that can achieve if they are willing to give until it hurts.

What do the rest of get out of it?

I hope that we get to see these amazing charities grow and make out little country even better than it is because that what they're trying to do.

I hope that these amazing Chackers are recognized for their abilities and heart wherever they go so that they can be the change-makers in this Society.

and maybe, just maybe

we might get another Charity Hack.

Right now, I need to rest.


PS: I can't thank everybody, who made Charity Hack possible, enough. The sponsors, the volunteers, the people who helped publicise Charity Hack, who gave advice and support or any of a thousand other things. If I can ever help you, you need only ask and I'm there.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Charity Hack the Blog posts

Throughout yesterdays Charity Hack, Laura was tweeting and blogging about everything that was going on.

Here are her collected blog posts of the day.



I guess a quick introduction is in order before I continue to write and ruin Kevin's blogging style! My name is Laura Ryder, and today I'll be the chief Charity Hack blogger. I'll be bringing you updates throughout the day, to give you an idea of how Charity Hack is progressing and what our five chosen charities are getting out of the day.

So we’re almost at our first official coffee break at Charity Hack and already I think the wheels are really turning.

Of course the approximate 60 cups of coffee (big shout out to 3FE for that by the way, and to John Nolan for sponsoring the personalised Charity Hack mugs) that have been consumed already (everyone else's blood system is half caffeine like mine, right?!) between this morning’s welcome cup and what we’ve been drinking to fuel the brain cells from what some would say is a very early hour on a Saturday morning has probably helped grease those wheels.

I'll let you in on a little secret. I used to do a show on a community radio station with a friend (who is also a hacker today actually). We used to do the show at 9pm on a Monday evening, and he would prepare for it by drinking LOTS of coffee and writing the funniest - but the most off the wall - sketches.  My nightmare right now is that the ideas we come up with for Charity Hack charities are like those sketches - genius, but crazy.

I know they won't be though. There's far too much talent in this room in O'Connell House on Merrion Square in Dublin for that to happen. And worst case scenario of course we have fruit from The Fruit People and flapjacks and healthy muffins from Eimear to soak the coffee up!

Already today has been amazing. All five charities turned up ready to go, and hackers were all on site by 8.15am this morning! After a quick meet-and-greet we moved on to a three minute introduction from each charity, before everyone grabbed a pen and jotted down their thoughts on each charity. (You can read profiles on four of those five charities in earlier blog posts by the way.) After that each charity was assigned a project manager and team members and since then we've had five groups of busy bees enthusiastically working away. Working away so enthusiastically that everyone's been told to take a coffee break...and it's led to nothing but a continuation of the buzz of work and nobody moving anywhere near the break area.

Here's hoping the buzz continues right through to 9pm tonight, when we should have five cracking charity campaigns ready to roll out!



If Merrion Square has any wild sides, we've just taken a walk on them.

No, really, we went for a walk around Merrion Square. It was a precursor to lunch, which I'm reliably informed was delivered by the good folk at KC Peaches.

Much like Charity Hack (I hope), lunch didn't disappoint. A selection of sandwiches and salads were accompanied by a cheeky pink lemonade, and though our charity hackees haven't by any means been treated with kid gloves so far the air was generally one of friendly camaraderie.

Not that it matters, you understand - we're here for positive change for charities and not to make new friends. Although sure if that happens too so much the better. The mantelpiece has always space for another few Christmas cards.

To be honest by lunchtime we all needed a bit of fresh air. Already we'd put in almost four hours of hard work, and we don't wrap up until 9pm tonight.

Some great stuff has come out of this morning's session though.

Shortly before lunch I spoke to Mindy from Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment, Simon from Rainsbows Ireland, Caroline from Irish Deaf Kids, Siobhan from ACT4Meningitis and Bernadette from Care After Prison.

I asked all five how they felt when they arrived this morning and also how they felt after a few hours of work. I'll post the interviews (which were filmed by James Keating) separate to this post, but I can tell you that the mood this morning was mostly optimistic with a hint of nerves.

All five reported being challenged during this morning's Charity Hack session, and having to constantly remind themselves to keep an open mind and not take questions or challenges to what their organisation is doing personally.

However all said their optimism and positivity was still alive somewhere in the region of 12.15. And they promised they were being honest.

To be honest if Charity Hack's hackees have come out of this morning feeling positive they can pat themselves on the back for being mature in the extreme.

In the words of Charity Hack chief Kevin this morning was "about looking at the organisation and learning about them and their problems". Constructive criticism - providing fun the world over for centuries, hey?!

This afternoon we're moving on to sorting the problems highlighted this morning though, so to be honest I'm anticipating everything being sorted by tea time, or so...

I've just heard each group is pitching their best two ideas in ten minutes too, so I'll keep you posted!



Bernadette is knackered.

The countdown clock - and frequently cardinal hacker Kevin - tells us there's only three hours and 40 odd minutes left. That means more than two-thirds of Charity Hack is over. But after more than eight hours of effort another three hours plus is a long time.

I've every faith Bernadette will pull through though. Optimism, gratitude and a big dash of love will get her to 9pm.

Working with Bernadette for Care After Prison are her champion companions Justin, Holly, Bronagh and Breifne. A post-lunch pitch of their two best ideas by Justin prompted applause. It's one of those ideas the fab four are progressing today, with plans to activate the other later this year.

Bernadette is a big fan of the two ideas being worked on that will both raise awareness of the Care After Prison cause as well as potentially raise funds. "They're really easy to implement and we can start running with both of them," she told me, explaining her support.

The idea being worked on right now involves a school programme Care After Prison already delivers. The school programme as it stands sees Care After Prison personnel visit schools at no cost to help show what life paths students should avoid at all costs.

Today Charity Hack experts have suggested building up the relationships Care After Prison has with schools. Whereas before the end of a school visit was followed with a goodbye wave, from now on it's hoped it will be just one strand in an ongoing relationship that will see the school help ensure Care After Prison's survival by hosting a fundraiser in the wake of the visit such as a coffee morning.

As I write Bernadette's group has split up (amicably) - Breifne is compiling a database of schools, Holly and Justin are working on the fundraising product and Bernadette and Bronagh are looking at the letter that might be sent to schools outlining the project.

The school project isn't the only thing Care After Prison will have going for it as a result of Charity Hack however. A simple but effective second plan is just waiting to be unleashed later in the year. That plan - dubbed 'A Mother's Voice' - includes mothers and tea bags, and we all know how powerful that combination is.

"I'm knackered," Bernadette said just now, before adding that she's "a little bit in love with everyone". "I know I started the day saying I'm feeling emotional," she said, "but I just want to hug everyone. They're giving 100%. They're so into it - even referring to the charity as 'us'. I'm overwhelmed to have so many brilliant people giving us their all."

As tired and emotional people go, Bernadette is one of our favourites!



I laughed with delight when this arrived - the first of our Charity Hack videos :)


Siobhan came to Charity Hack planning a national meningitis awareness day, but she's leaving determined not to restrict spreading awareness to just the one day.

ACT4Meningitis is a countrywide operation that's based in Galway. To date it's really only recognised for its work in Galway however, so from here on in the aim is to become a recognised brand with functioning services in Ireland as a whole and then the world.

I'm lying. They're actually planning on sticking to Ireland. But Charity Hack has been going for over nine hours now and I'm a bit giddy.

Siobhan's giddy too for what it's worth. She's also oozing appreciation and enthusiasm for her every pore. I suspect that as much as she's loving Charity Hack she can't wait for it to end so Monday will come sooner and she can get cracking on her plans.

"I'm actually very excited about plans we're going to put in place next week," she said, in our post-teatime-pizza chat. "We're going to start working on our strategic plan straight away, and start training volunteers as awareness ambassadors for the charity."

Awareness ambassadors you say Siobhan? Do tell us more!

"We came in with an idea to organise a national awareness day," Siobhan explained. "After sitting down and talking to hackers, and working through where the charity is at, we've decided why isolate our awareness to just one day? We've now decided to sit down and put a strategic plan in place. We're going to move around the country to do awareness in different places around the country, where people want to meet - and help - the charity."

Awareness roadshows will be announced two weeks in advance using social and local media, while the event itself will give locals the opportunity to get information about meningitis and find out more about ACT4Meningitis.

Looking towards the final push on this inaugural Charity Hack, Siobhan says she's still energised. "The day went an awful lot quicker than I thought," she says. "It's been an absolutely amazing experience. Everyone just kept bouncing ideas off each other and that made us more eager to try and put those things in place. We've new exciting plans for the charity and I'm looking forward to facing into the last three hours."


It's almost time to toast our success at Charity Hack, but we can't end without filling you in.

I think I can say with confidence that everyone to a (wo)man is exhausted. It's been a tough Saturday. Using a whole bunch of different skillsets from videography to fundraising to writing to strategising and everything in between we've all put in an honest day's work.

Right now hacker-in-chief Kevin is asking who wants to share their experience, and Mindy from Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment has jumped right in, more than eager to share.

For one and all this has been a positive experience. Charities are leaving with concrete and suitable plans that can be rolled out from now. Hackers and other volunteers are leaving knowing that they have made a difference.

For everyone Charity Hack has made a difference. And that's a great feeling to have at 9pm on any evening.

To Charity Hack!

Charity Hack as it happened in Tweets

There'll be a proper blog post at some stage today or tomorrow when my head clears but for now, here's the story of #charityhack in Tweets :-) Thanks to Laura Ryder for keeping the Twitter machine rolling all day.

Total Fundraising ‏@TotalFR 13h
Hacky new year! #charityhack
Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
The final photo - well done everyone (with 35 minutes to spare!!!) #charityhack

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
"We've all been close to storming out the door a couple of times today. Now it's up to you to make it all worthwhile. All I can say is...

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
#charityhack even had a standing ovation - fair play to head honcho @kevmagic!!

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
"The biggest thing that came out of today is that we have a vision and a mission." @act4meningitis #charityhack

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
@bronaghwalsh Hear hear! #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
The bonding that's happened at #charityhack is unreal!

 Grainne O'Kelly ‏@grainne_okelly 14h
@CharityHack13 will be watching the 5 charities with interest over coming months! Well done to everyone. Def signing up for #charityhack 14!

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
"Literally, everything is done for me; it's amazing." @bergro30 @careafterprison #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
"I felt the energy today and that kept us all going." @rainbowsireland #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 14h
We're just about done! … #charityhack #welldone #makeadifference

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 15h
We're nearly there! In case I forget to say it later thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make #charityhack what it was :)

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 16h
We've just had a post-pizza chat with Siobhan from @act4meningitis: … #charityhack

VOICE ‏@VOICE_Ireland 16h
Reeling from #charityhack. So much information! Incredible day! Thanks to all participants!

 Eimear ClowryDelaney ‏@eclowry 17h
@damianobroin @ask_direct the #charityhack pizza has arrived. Thank You
 Retweeted by Charity Hack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 17h
Great work! A short video from today's #charityhack: … @landsleaving @kevmagic...

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 17h
@careafterprison plans outlined in this #charityhack blog post: …...

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 18h
"I'm a little bit in love with everyone." @bergro30 is in love with #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 18h
To be honest I'm flagging a bit, but the energy seems to still be high with hackers and hackees. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 19h
Eek, there really isn't that long left! #charityhack

Bernadette Grogan ‏@bergro30 19h
@CharityHack13 @CareAfterPrison @mcdermottjustin @InHollysKitchen @BronaghWalsh @BreifneEarley feeling blessed & happy! #charityhack thanks!
 Retweeted by Charity Hack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 19h
RT @charityhack13: The second #charityhack blog post of the day: … @andrewmoranirl @breifneearley @bronaghwalsh...

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 19h
And here's a taster of how @bergro30 from @careafterprison was feeling pre-lunch break:  #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 19h
Listen to what Mindy from @voiceireland had to say just before #charityhack lunch:

Eimear ClowryDelaney ‏@eclowry 19h
5 brand new #charityhack campaigns in the making!

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 19h
@ThePrintedImage They're what everyone is wearing these days! #charityhack

Holly L ‏@InHollysKitchen 19h
Proud to have brought @AchingArms @AchingArmsUK @LaurenSemp2311 fundraising ideas 2 @CharityHack13 & see if we can apply to @CareAfterPrison

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 19h
Did I mention lunch from @kcpeaches was sponsored by Simon @totalfr?

 Sarah McAvinchey ‏@s_mcavinchey 20h
@CharityHack13 as a charity geek,  this is my idea of heaven! #somuchinfo #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
Piggy back on upcoming movie 55 decibels, and keep momentum up for national day. #irishdeafkids #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
Organisational structure has to be tackled. Do it by county to keep local element? BBQ, local sponsors? #rainbowsireland #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
@rainbowsireland has "amazing stories". First focus is to collect them. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
No formal fundraising going on @rainbowsireland. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
"There's lots of potential inside what's already there." @act4meningitis @mikemcguire  #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
"Try to convert people into monthly donors to cover operating costs of charity". #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
@mikemcguire says @act4meningitis campaigns must be personal. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
"I suppose you're all wondering why I gathered you all here today." #alwaystimeforalaugh #charityhack #pitchingideas

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
Build in awareness for people to take home. #charityhack #voiceireland

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
@voiceireland need to tap into signing people up. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
One of @voiceireland's big successes was feeding 5,000 - shows people care. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
Send appeal letters with two teabags. Sounds weird here, but great idea. @careafterprison @mcdermottjustin @bergro30 #charityhack

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
Add an "ask" to @careafterprison training in schools  - run a fundraiser, have a coffee morning... #charityhack @mcdermottjustin

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
This is all feeling a bit Dragons' Den... #pitchingideas #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 20h
The second #charityhack blog post of the day: …

Denisa Casement CFRE ‏@DenisaCasement 22h
Fantastic morning so far #charityhack @Charityhack13

CareAfterPrison ‏@CareAfterPrison 21h
What a morning so far... Unbelievable energy and amazing people... Thank you #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 22h
Second blog post from #charityhack coming soon. In the meantime you can read the first one here:

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 22h
@s_mcavinchey has arrived to help with #charityhack all the way from the far side of Drogheda after a surprise 25th anniversary party...

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 22h
"I'm cold-hearted," says @kevmagic. (Perhaps charity isn't your sector then Kev?!) #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 22h
"Why should I care if you shut down tomorrow?" #charityhack - asking all the tough questions.

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 22h
Great work done so far according to @kevmagic. So that's good. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 22h
Videographer James (@landsleaving) has been quietly working away all morning. Now we're going to chat to Charity Hack attendees and hear...

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 22h
The temperature in the room is rising; I can only assume that's a result of all the hard work going on! #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 22h
@alisonejcurtis We have an artist at #charityhack!! David's work:

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 23h
I love that we have an artist - David - at #charityhack.

 Laura Ryder ‏@LauraJRyder 23h
The picture of concentration! #charityhack
 Retweeted by Charity Hack

 Justin McDermott ‏@mcdermottjustin 23h
@CareAfterPrison table @CharityHack13 @BronaghWalsh @BreifneEarley @BreifneEarley #greatenergy #amazingcharity

 Gavin O' Donovan ‏@GDon0 10 Aug
#charityhack is rockin, doing great work for amazing causes

Kevin Delaney ‏@kevmagic 9 Aug
Don't forget you can support #charityhack's amazing charities by donating here  #everylittlehelps #fundraising

Jenmcc ‏@WorldJen 23h
This says it all... #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 23h
"What are we amazing at?" is the question according to main man @kevmagic. #charityhack

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 23h
The next section is about "digging deeper". #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 23h
The first blog post of the #charityhack day: … #charityhack...

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Hackers are on a tweet ban - all brain power must go to #charityhack when in session!

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@LauraJRyder also allowed to interrupt, but just to gather material for blog posts and other jottings. #charityhack

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
It's ok, actual stealing isn't being encouraged. It's moreso thinking about the best in the world in your sector and what they do well....

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
"What do you want to steal?"!!!! #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
We even have an artist - David is sketching away as we speak :) #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@andrewmoranirl now being introduced. Apparently if he interrupts that's his job! #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Time to take a breath at #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Let's not forget the mugs sponsored by @Hallainzil, for without him and them drinking tea and coffee would be an altogether greater...

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
I've just had a grape, and if their taste is matched by the bananas, oranges etc our luck is in :) @TheFruitPeople #charityhack...

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
And to keep us healthy we've lots of fruit from @TheFruitPeople - thanks to you guys too! #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Thanks so much to @3FE for sponsoring #charityhack coffee. #3FE

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@careafterprison and @bergro30 are in the good hands of @mcdermottjustin, @inhollyskitchen, @bronaghwalsh and @breifneearley. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Working with @voiceireland is Matt, @chrismbrennan, @mariamartindub and @fundraising_ire. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@irishdeafkids has @totalfr, @donalmulligan and @worldjen in its corner. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
The @rainsbowsireland team is headed up by @denisacasement, and also features @diarmaidy and @rachelduke2. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@mikemcguire is @act4meningitis project manager. Also on team is @tiernangerard and @restoreybalance. 11hr15min left #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@alisonejcurtis All 5 charities have introduced themselves and now everyone is scribbling thoughts on pages that started blank but are...

Laura Ryder ‏@LauraJRyder 10 Aug
The real #charityhack work begins.

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
"Maybe we should all wear Birkenstocks" suggests @kevmagic! #charityhack #Birkenstocks

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Ooh, everyone has been ordered on their feet to pick a table and brainstorm for 5 minutes! #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
"Without environmentalists we wouldn't have drinkable water - we need that voice at the table." @voiceireland #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
"People view environmentalists as Birkenstock-wearing freaks!" @voiceireland #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
We need to match the people throwing away food to those who are going hungry says @voiceireland #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Co-ordinator Mindy is telling us about @voiceireland. Main issue of past 2 years is food waste. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
If you'd like to read more about the #charityhack charities check out  #charityhack

Diarmaid O'Sullivan ‏@Diarmaidy 10 Aug
This is a pre-scheduled tweet as I'm busy with #charityhack all day. You should it out here

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
"Our charity has to give a lifetime of support." @act4meningitis #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@act4meningitis is a very personal story. Set up after founder Siobhan's 4-yr-old daughter died in 2008. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Siobhan is up to tell us about @act4meningitis, which is two years old. #charityhack

Justin McDermott ‏@mcdermottjustin 10 Aug
@bergro30 fantastic presentation on @CareAfterPrison at #charityhack your making me emotional about the work you guys do! #inspiring

 Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
"It's working." @careafterprison worked with over 200 people in 1st year and 0% reconviction rate. #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
"The problem is it's not a popular theme". #careafterprison #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@bergro30 says she's "really emotional" and is full of appreciation and excitement today! @careafterprison #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@bergro30 - you're up to tell us about @careafterprison! #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Thanks @alisonejcurtis :) RT @alisonejcurtis: #charityhack if you want to follow their progress!

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
Now a short introduction from @irishdeafkids #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 10 Aug
@so_simple_simon now introducing @rainsbowsireland #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 9 Aug
Are we ready to go? #charityhack

Charity Hack ‏@CharityHack13 9 Aug
Everything's done and we're ready for #charityhack see you all in the morning